Rug Shuttles

Price for any rug shuttle: $120 plus shipping.  All shuttles are currently sold out.  Email me if you are interested in these shuttles.

Rug Shuttle samples

The two rug shuttle samples above (not available) are about 20″ long, and 1  3/8″ width and height.  They are strong and light-weight, and made up of  3 – 5 layers of figured hardwoods.  They are sanded through 2000-grit sandpaper with 10 coats of finish applied.

RugShuttle2 top view 4.6oz. 19 7/8"L x 1 3/8"W x 1 3/8"H. Tiger maple rims top/bottom with figured black walnut center
**Sold**RugShuttle2 top view 4.6oz. 19 7/8″L x 1 3/8″W x 1 3/8″H. Tiger maple rims top/bottom with figured black walnut center

RugShuttle2 side view
**Sold**RugShuttle2 side view

RugShuttle2 closeup
**Sold**RugShuttle2 closeup