Tapestry Forks

Canopus offers a weighted 5-tine tapestry fork with 1  1/4″ width head.  A hidden internal cavity behind the tines contains lead shot in a matrix of epoxy.  Weighs about 7.2 oz., overall length about 10″.  Woods commonly used for these tools are bird’s eye maple, tiger maple, black walnut, and curly white oak.  There is a half-oval relief carving on top.  Sanded to 2000-grit with 10 coats of finish (sealer shellac, oil-based urethane, and carnauba wax).  Spaces in-between tines also sanded to remove machine marks, and finished for ease of operation.

5-tine weighted tapestry fork top view 1
Sample only: 5-tine weighted tapestry fork top 1

5-tine weighted tapestry fork - top view 2
Sample only: 5-tine weighted tapestry fork – top 2

5-tine tapestry fork bottom view
Sample only: 5-tine weighted tapestry fork bottom view

5-tine weighted tapestry fork top and side view
Sample only: 5-tine weighted tapestry fork top and side view

Currently $145 plus shipping.
There are two unfinished forks available at this time – email us for future availability.